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I will not take through sacrifice
What I can achieve
through strategy
                   Gen. Douglas Macarthur

Learning to Think Tactically

Helping you develop these qualities is the gem in the crown of Dango Jiro. Per the quote at the top of the page, we consider the difference between having a skill set and being skilled. People may have skill sets, but that does not automatically imply that they have a skill.

The reason for this is that we consider skill the combination of having skill sets and the ability to apply them in the most effective manner for the situation. That requires a specific mental process. Skill is, in our definition, a combination of physical skill sets, knowledge, awareness, assessment, calculation,  judgment, the ability and experience to combine them all effectively in a stressful and ever changing environment.

Let us give you an example of what we are talking about. Driving a car consists of three basic things: steering, braking and accelerating. (Four if you count shifting). These are the fundamental physical components of driving. These are also the skill sets that you have to learn in order to drive. Included in a skill set is knowing how to control the physical elements to control your car under fixed conditions (e.g. driving at 45 mph how hard you must apply the brakes to come to a complete stop in a particular distance -- without throwing everyone in the car through the windshield). Skill sets you initially learn in an empty parking lot.

You are also introduced to the core components that will allow you to develop beyond skill sets and move onto skill. That is you are taught assessment, calculation and tactical application of skill sets. For example, driving at 45, you learn to correctly assess the depth of a curve, the speed you must be going to take it -- let's say 30 -- applying the brakes to slow to that speed, calculating where you need to place your car to successfully make the turn, steering to that place, steering through the turn and then accelerating again.

If acquiring a skill set is the basic level, then learning how to assess factors, calculate, come up with appropriate response and then create that response is the intermediate stage. At this point you are learning not only how to combine the skills sets, but are starting to assess and judge to what degree these elements must be combined for the task at hand. Having said this, however, just because you have these skill sets -- does not mean you are skilled driver (as so many morons on the highway demonstrate).

Skill arises from the ability to correctly combine these skill sets appropriately  -- and in time -- for the circumstances. This is what you do on the road. True skill, however, doesn't begin until you have learned to think strategically (which is very much a part of good driving) and applying the conclusions before a situation occurs.

Not only is it a calculating, assessing mode needed to create tactical application, but it means being so aware of the elements of driving that you begin to react to changing circumstances and are able to predict the future. This is nothing psychic or esoteric. It's simply knowing the process so well that you learn, when you see certain actions,  to know what is coming. Then you take defensive maneuvers to ensure that when it does happen, you are not in the middle of it. Using strategic thinking, you adapt and overcome potential problems with very little adjustment in how you apply your skill sets.

For example, if you see a car ahead of you merging onto the freeway, you change lanes before you reach him so he can easily merge in. By doing this you can continue on at your present speed with minimum effort.

Conversely, if you emotionally react in a territorial manner, you create a conflict. This conflict will require a greater application of your skill sets. Sticking with the merge example,  if instead of slowing down or changing lanes you speed up to maintain "your space" it can mean you both will have to do more steering/braking/accelerating to avoid an accident. If the other person engages in the same behavior as you just did, then you are likely to get into an accident or road rage incident.

The ultimate goal of Dango Jiro is to teach you how to "drive" in such a way as to be able to avoid conflict. Dango Jiro is not designed to make you good at conflict. It is not going to teach you how to be a good fighter. By teaching skill sets, tactical application and strategic thinking, it will teach you how to minimize conflict and, if at all possible, avoid fighting. If that fails, its goal is to teach you to react appropriately with the level of force necessary to resolve the situation, within acceptable legal standards, in order to end it immediately. It's how to keep the situation from developing into a road rage incident.

While it takes a little practice, you have to be thinking before, during and after the adrenalin rush.

Dango Jiro gets you started in the habit.

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